Wednesday, March 09, 2011

OEM agent Installation using agentDownload script

Method  - agentDownload script

1. login as oracle
2. download agentDownload
3. change the permissions on the file
4. Install
5. run
6. update /etc/oratab
7. check agent status
8. configure databases, ASM using OEM Grid

steps :

This is a “pull” method. The installation is done from the unix command line on the server to be upgraded.

1. login to the host as “oracle”

export ORACLE_BASE=/ora01/oracle

mkdir -p /ora01/oracle/temp
cd /ora01/oracle/temp

2. download the agentDownload. file using wget from OMS server
   For linux 64bit this is agent_Download.linux_x64.
   For AIX, it is agent_Download.aix.

wget --no-check-certificate https://:OMS SERVER NAME:1159/agent_download/

3. change the permissions on the file

chmod u+x agentDownload.linux_x64

4. start the installer.
   You will be prompted for the secure agent password. Other than the prompt for the secure agent password, the installation will be silent, just watch it run, no input needed.
The options on the installer are:
   -u upgrade
   -y decline security updates
   -r the OMS port
   -o the home for the agent being upgraded
   -b the base for the new home

cd /ora01/oracle/temp
./agentDownload.linux_x64  -y -r 1159  -b /ora01/oracle/product

To upgrade 10g agent to 11g agent
cd /ora01/oracle/temp
./agentDownload.linux_x64 -u -y -r 1159 -o /ora01/oracle/product/agent10g -b /ora01/oracle/product

5. Run the /ora01/oracle/product/agent11g/  script as root
6. Update /etc/oratab with the new agent11g home information
7. Verify that the agent is running

set the agent11g enviornment
/ora01/oracle/product/agent11g/bin > ./emctl status agent

8. configure databases, ASM using OEM Grid
Hope this help. Regards Rupam